Totally Radical Tales Issue #3: Horrors from the Black Bog - Now Live!

Howdy Skrappers!

Zine Month 2025 (or Zine Quest, if you prefer) has finally arrived and we've got another great NUKED! adventure coming out as part of it!  This year we're releasing Totally Radical Tales #3: Horrors from the Black Bog on Kickstarter!  This adventure is something we've been working on for awhile - in fact the first time it ever saw the light of day is back when Mac was running a Fallout campaign using a homebrew system - and we're stoked to be approaching the finish line!

Like Lost Valley and Paradise SpringsBlack Bog is a small hexcrawl with seven different hexes to check out. It also includes a pair of dungeons (one shorter, the other with a more traditional room count) that dive into some of the pre-Blast "lore" of NUKED! (can you call it lore if you don't really confirm it though)? And to stick with our... weird theme... we've got yet another group of cannibals trying to turn everyone into sandwiches. Not sure how or why that keeps happening, but there it is.

We've also got some great returning artists in JoeshB, HodagRPG, and Old School Jelly, plus newcomer (for us, anyway) Chaocalypse!

This adventure was a lot of fun to write and a lot of fun to play.  We hope you'll check out the and consider backing it!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

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